Riverside Avenue Christian Church
Outreach Ministries
We believe that service & mission are vitals parts of our faith and love serving the community! Some of our outreach opportunities include:
Children’s Enrichment Workshop – We participate with local area churches to provide after school activities to Elementary School children. We currently offer Melody Makers on Tuesday afternoons.
West Riverside Elementary School – We work collaboratively with the school to provide mentors, school supplies, support to teachers, and holiday groceries to families in need.
Downtown Ecumenical Services Council (DESC) – We work in cooperation with local churches to provide groceries and clothing to those in need. We also have several church members to volunteer with DESC and/or serve on their Board.
Interfaith Coalition for Action, Reconciliation, and Empowerment (ICARE) – We, along with other Jacksonville churches, seek social justice through public education, homelessness, restorative justice programs, and job creation in struggling areas of the city.
Church Food Pantry – We provide sack lunches to those in need.
Live Nativity – For more than 25 years, our Christmas gift to the community has been the Live Nativity reenactment on the front lawn during Riverside-Avondale’s Luminaria.
Week of Compassion – We reach out to survivors of flood, famine, tornadoes, hurricanes, and other tragedies by contributing to the Week of Compassion – a ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The Week of Compassion reaches out to those locally, regionally, nationally, and abroad.
Easter Egg Hunt – Every Easter, we provide an Easter Egg Hunt for the community.
Charles E. Bennett Children’s Playground – Named the “Jesus Park” by the children, we maintain the playground in the backyard for community use.