Riverside Avenue Christian Church
Ministry Staff
Riverside Avenue Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
is proud to be an Open & Affirming Congregation.
Being an Open & Affirming congregation means that we welcome people of all gender expressions and sexual orientations to the table of Christ’s communion and to the full life and leadership of the Christian Church.
We believe that all people have been created in the image
of God and are beloved children of God.
We believe that we are called to stand alongside our brothers, sisters, and fellow siblings in Christ and speak truth to
Jesus’ call that ALL are welcome at the Table of our Lord.

We Welcome Rev. Dan Webster to our church as our new Interim Minister. Rev. Webster is a retired Disciples of Christ minister. He is also an active storyteller. Rev. Webster has served congregations in seven regions. He has also served on numerous regional boards and committees. He served the General Church as a member of the General Board. He was a board member of the Christian Church Foundation, serving as chair of the Investment Committee. He also served as chair of our denomination’s Week of Compassion committee. Rev. Webster is currently a member of the Board of Trustees for his alma mater, Lexington Theological Seminary, where he chairs the Advancement Committee. Rev. Webster and his wife, Nel, along with their dog and too many cats. Even though he is “retired” Dan still defines himself as a pastor.
Dan Webster
Interim Pastor

Debbie is is a mother of twins and the marvelous MiMi to seven awesome grandchildren. Born and raised here in Jacksonville, Debbie has been involved with the congregation at RACC for many years. What is your favorite thing about RACC? The helpful and humble hearts of RACC make this church a unique and gratifying step in my personal ministry. What are three things that are important to know about you? 1. I love a great relaxing day at the beach. 2. I love watching my grandchildren excel at soccer. 3. My Sorority Sisters give me comfort and strength through years of friendship.
Debbie Herrera
Administrative Assistant

She/her/hers Began attending RACC October 2021 Melissa grew up in the Disciples of Christ tradition, attending Central Christian Church as a child and teen, and attending summer camp each summer. Her Grandmother, Betty Harris, attended RACC as a teen, later moving to Central Christian, and her mother, Barbara London, has been a member of RACC since 2002. Melissa loves singing, playing the piano, leading worship, and assisting others in growing in these gifts as well. What is your favorite thing about RACC? Having been away from the Disciples church most of my adult life, coming back to the familiar traditions, the reciting of the Lord’s Prayer, the order of worship, the Gloria Patri, the traditional hymns, has been very comforting in this season of life. I also adore getting to see my children learn about God in the same setting that I did, through Sunday school, Children’s Moment, and Accolyting. I also love that RACC is so open, giving others the freedom to come to their own conclusions about God in a non-judgmental setting. What are three things that are important to know about you? 1. I have been making music my entire life! I attended Douglas Anderson School of the Arts, Wheaton College Music Conservatory, and I have been teaching and leading others in worship ever since! I love music. 2. I have a son with severe Autism. His name is Soren, he is nine years old, and he loves hats! We try our hardest to not let special needs hold us back as a family, and bring Soren along on our family adventures as much as we are able. Whenever you see Soren at church, always feel free to say hello, give him a high five, or ask any questions at all about his disability. We welcome the discussion. 3. I love running! I have three Gate River Runs under my belt, and don’t intend on missing any in the future if I can help it, and I one day hope to earn a top ten percent finisher hat. I hope to run the Donna Half Marathon in February to honor a friend battling breast cancer.
Melissa Auippy
Music Director

She/Her/Hers Began serving RACC in 2018 Karen is a lifelong member of RACC. As part of the congregation Karen has attended small and large weddings over the years. In 2019 Karen planned her own wedding. She is personal familiar with the excitement, joy and stress of wedding planning. What is your favorite thing about RACC? Riverside is a open and affirming congregation that welcomes all people as a beloved children of God. From my childhood to adulthood, I have see the congregation grow into the open and affirming congregation it is today. I have also see Riverside put our mission into action. As a loving, serving and witnessing congregation, Riverside participants in Youth mission trips, the Children's Art Center, iCare, marching in the Riverside Pride Parade, presenting a Live Nativity during Luminara. These are only a few examples of how Riverside is living its mission. *Please note that Karen works on an "as needed basis." To learn more about our wedding ministry and how to get in touch with her, please visit our Weddings Section*
Karen Adams
Wedding Coordinator

They/Them Cav grew up at RACC and is currently a student at UNF. They began serving with our A/V ministry in the spring of 2023. We are grateful for their faithful service and dedication to making our worship services accessible each week.
Cav Moore
A/V Support